Sunday, February 13, 2005

my home town....

Let me briefly describe the "gay" nightlife in my hometown of Birmingham, AL. We have a total of 2, yep 2 "so - called" gay clubs.

One is called the "Pheonix". The mystic bird pheonix is said to rise from its ashes to be reborn. We.. this place should be ashes. You walk in the front door and you can't help but feel this incredible urge to lean to the left. I actually think the building is leaning. It feels much like I imagine a double wide trailer would feel with a flat tire. In addition, to complete the "double wide" theme, there is cheap paneling on the walls, a window unit air conditioner and an electric heater. The host of this trailer park nightmare is a drag queen, who's approximate age is somewhere between 200 and dirt. The fantastic thing about her is, she has no TEETH!!!! She lips syncs to songs, which the words she doesn't know, without teeth.

The other club in town is called the "Quest". Affectionately called the Queesy. You can't help but feeling nauseous in the place. The club was probably the first business in the city as evidence by the dust balls on the ceiling. That's right, what looks like popcorn texture on the ceiling is really dust balls. The place is painted all black and the dance floor is something out of the 70's complete with mirrors. The clientele consist of under age stick fags (18 and older joint) to 80 year olds in leisure
suits. Around 3 am the place quickly turns into a straight bar. The quest is one of Birmingham's only 24 / 7 bars.. that's right, any time of the day, any day of the week, you too can enjoy the quest.



Anonymous said...

(Cue Miss Bea Taylor and Mrs. Clara Edwards to sing "My Hometown" quietly in the background)

Yes, my friend! You are entirely correct. We need someone to come up with a concept that will work in our hometown other than black walls and sticky floors. We need somewhere that people will want to support on a longterm basis. Sometimes I think the gay community here doesn't believe they deserve something nice, that they have to go to Atlanta, Nashville or New Orleans to experience a little bit of class or excitement.

Let's hope someone with taste and good business sense will open an exciting but classy place for our enjoyment.

(OK, they can shut up now)

Anonymous said...

I think it stems more from the lack of community and pride in community here.

Ive never lived anywhere where people were so disinterested in their surroundings. They cloister themselves away into little cliques, refusing to see beyond their own little circle...unless they venture out on the internet for a hook-up.