Friday, July 24, 2009


and the journey continues....

M went for her 1st Ultrasound yesterday. We had a bit of a scare a few days back, so we were a little apprehensive, but great news. We have a nice strong heartbeat!

Due date is set at March 13th. That means about a 16 month difference between Tekla and the "little one".


Friday, July 17, 2009

The Greatest Ponzi Scheme of all time.

Bernie Madoff recently was sentenced to 150 years for a multi billion dollar ponzi scheme. Others are still being invested and will probably be prosecuted. Similarly another Ponzi scheme has been unraveling here in Texas with Robert Allen Stanford at the helm.

With the economy being in the condition it is, it seems that the Government is zealously prosecuting financial fraud and the Obama administration is attempting to restructure the financial monitoring system.

In the shadow of all this, health care reform is underway... what's the connection??

The greatest Ponzi scheme of all time is and has been perpetrated by our own government in the form of Social Security and Medicare.

The only problem is, in this case, we would have a hard time prosecuting the offenders.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Keep your hands and feet inside the car at all times!!

2 weeks ago we transferred our remaining embryos. Then began the "2 week wait", which proved to be nerve racking. These were our only remaining embryos from our original egg donor and she currently isn't available to donate again, and we truly wanted Tekla to have a genetic link. These embryos also were not top quality, which also played a role.

Melinda began peeing on a stick and she got a positive result and we were elated, then it turned negative, then positive again.. finally HCG test on Monday proved that the positive result was real. The 2nd Beta test more than doubled, so we are now off to a good start... but like our 1st journey, this one is already starting off to be QUITE A RIDE!!!

We are holding on tight!