Friday, February 25, 2005

forget day #2...

it was a blur. I was in so much pain and nothing seemed to help. I tossed and turned and ended up roaming the halls of the hospital at 3am. I felt like a radiology resident. Finally with some aggressive use of narcotics, I am somewhat functional. The pain is bareable, but it's hard for me to stay awake!

I slowly reduce the doses as time goes on so I can be in touch with what is going on around me. My drain came out this morning as well so I get to leave today. My lumbar brace is so attactive. I'm thinking of taking it to the leather store in atlanta and getting the shell covered with leather and the velcro staps changed to leather with buckles!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But you're sooooo much fun when you're drugged up on the stuff they give you at the hospital. I can tell you anything and you'll believe it. HeheHEEE!