Wednesday, February 09, 2005

"My fellow americans... except of course you gay ones"

What a wonderful world we live in when our president can go on TV and promote discrimination.

I've had the pleasure for the past 15 years of my life, to care for the sick, injured and dying. I've been there for the wives as they watched their husbands fall into a shadow of their former selves. I've hugged and cried with husbands as their wives passed away. I've been the biggest cheerleader for patients who recovered. I've held the hands of those who die alone.

Unfortunately, if this President has his way, I may not enjoy the "freedom" of having the person I spend my life at my side (or I at their's) when I become frail. We will have no rights to property that we have built together. We will have no say in final decisions that will need to be made as we approach our last days, or become incapacitated where we cannot make our own decisions. Who better to make decisions for you than the person who knows your wishes better than anyone. And in our case... AJ is a physician and I'm a NP.

In his State of the Union address, Bush used the word "freedom" no fewer than 19 times. He also spoke of ending tyranny where someone forces their views upon someone else. Guess he needs to look in the mirror.

I've had the pleasure of growing up in Birmingham, Alabama. A city most noted for fire hoses and police dogs and a state most known for our former Governor standing in the school house door to prevent African Americans from attending the college of their choice. Seems not to long ago that we finally allowed women the right to vote.

In my view, regardless of what face you put on it...... Discrimination is Discrimination.

To bad it's so cold in Canada.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's not THAT cold up here. . .

Don't get me wrong, I hate the cold weather, but I prefer it over GWB and his insane conservative views any day.