Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Falalala lalalala..

down we now our gay apparel....I always related to that line....

The holidays are here, and just a few weeks ago, I was dreading them as they approached. Now I am actually looking forward to them, for more than 1 reason.

First reason - AJ and I are spending the holiday's together. Christmas eve, and Christmas day we are going to cook and enjoy a christmas dinner together. Not huge plans, but vVERY special all the same.

Second reason - My 87 year old grandmother, who's health has rapidly gone down hill over the past few months (she been diagnosed with Alzheimer's, dementia and heart failure) Heck she's 87 what do you expect? Up until about a year ago, she was living alone and carrying for herself, now she is almost totally dependent on the people around her. Her home recently burned down and she lost almost everything that had any significant meaning for her. I grew up watching this strong, independent women who was very unhappy and mean. From what I've said you must be thinking "how can he be happy about her circumstances". I'm happy for 2 reasons... she's happy for the first time in her life. She's a sweet little old lady and I actually enjoy being around her. the other reason is that she recently got out of the hospital so I actually get to spend some time with her and will be able to remember her as "happy"

Merry Christmas to everyone who may read this.. and a very special merry christmas to AJ. I love you.

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