Saturday, December 06, 2008

Baby Withdrawals..

I had to head back to Houston for a couple of days to take care of some things around the house. We left so urgently when all this began we had a lot of things that were left unfinished. I'm missing Greg and Tekla horribly.... I'm relying solely on updates from Greg at this point.

When I left yesterday, Tekla had made another big move. She was moved from the "Special Care" nursery, to the regular nursery. She is the smallest baby there, although she is gaining weight. One of the nurses knew I was leaving so she made me a little card with Tekla's footprints for me to take with me.

One exciting event happening this weekend, Greg's mom and aunt flew out to see Tekla for the first time. I hate that I missed seeing the look on their faces the first time they saw Tekla.

I find myself watching her intently when I'm around her. She is now having REM sleep and I often wonder what she is dreaming about. One thing I do know, she isn't dreaming about hate or meanness. She is so innocent at this point.


Anonymous said...

She's dreaming about all those fast cars and prom dresses and bling that her daddies are going to be buying her. LOL

I'm happy that the doc thinks she is doing so well that she can go to the regular nursery, but this move is scarier to me than the last one. But I'm sure she'll do well in there with the big kids.

Hang in there. Just a little over one more day and you will all be back together.

And maybe you can all come home soon.

-Addor A. Moose

Anonymous said...

How wonderful that she seems to be making such leaps and bounds.

Sorry to hear that you're missing your family, but happy to hear that her health enabled you to go home. I also think its great that you have bonded so well.

Congrats, dad.

Anonymous said...

That's so sweet!! I hate that you had to leave her but she is in good hands:) You guys make me tear up when reading how much you love little Tekla:) Can't wait to hear that you are bringing her home!!
