Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Crazy in Alabama

Being a native Alabamian I've often times been baffled by the mindset and the way of thinking by most in the state. Take for instance the Lottery issue.

A former Alabama Governor who is in the news a lot lately, Don Seigelman, proposed a state lottery to help fund education for state.Alabama's education system is pretty poor quality and cash strapped, like many others across the country, there's a constant struggle to fund the system the way it should be. The voters voted down his proposal because they objected to legalizing gambling, however a prominent political contributor owns at least 2 dog tracks where you can not only bet on dog racing, you can bet on simulcast horse racing and play slot and poker machines. His establishments are the only ones in the state where this is permitted. hmmmmmm... looks like gambling, sounds like gambling, quacks like gambling.

The current presidential race is no exception. In a recent poll, 49 percent of Alabamians say we should have never went to war in Iraq and 46 percent say we should withdraw our troops. The same poll also shows that 67.0% are dis-satisfied with the way things are going in the country. Like myself, you probably realize that these numbers are most likely very similar across the country. What is odd about this is that Alabamians favor McCain for president over either Democratic candidate.


Regardless of public belief, there is electric service, fax machines, running indoor plumbing, cable and satellite service available in the state of Alabama, not that everyone subscribes to such things, as is obvious by the results of this poll.

McCain has said repeatedly that he will continue the war in Iraq, and lately is has even supported Bush's flawed economic plan, which I propose got us in this economic situation to begin with.

While I find neither Democratic Candidate perfect, I don't think this country needs to continue down the path that Bush has taken us, which is exactly what McCain will continue to do.

Way to go Alabama, you continue to make me proud.

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