Tuesday, February 12, 2008

We date the hot ones and hope they aren't crazy

This, for the most part, applies to gay and straight men. We usually choose to go out with or date people we find the most sexually attractive and hope they don't turn out to be crazy. It is a crap shoot. Usually the first 2 - 3 dates go okay, unless they are really bonkers before the real psychopathic behaviors become evident. Like pervasive activities that lead you to believe the person has stalker tendencies. Little notes left on your car, 4 -5 messages on your voicemail in a period of 2-3 hours, or unexpectedly running into them while your are out with your friends. Perhaps they may have anger issues. On the 4th date you sitting in traffic and their head spins around 3 - 4 times and profanities you have never heard in your life pour out of their mouth like Vodka at a gathering for gay men. Sometimes it may even be the gunshots and the bullet holes found afterwards that get your attention. (The last one actually happened to me, but I was 4 - 5 years into the relationship before I fully grasp the situation).

Then there is the "Looks / Brains" ratio. Most men really strive hard to strike a an acceptable balance in this department. You want someone hot, but you don't want them so dumb they can't find there way out of a parking garage. For some a 60% looks and 30% smarts might be OK. That usually translates to they are attractive enough to get compliments by your friends, smart enough to carry on a decent conversation, but they can still embarass you from time to time. Then again, most men don't want someone to much smarter than they are themselves. It can lead to situations that you just can't win.

In my situation the ratio simply doesn't apply. GB is very hot and very smart, in fact I think he is smarter than myself and I'm ok with that because he doesn't make me feel dumb. I can accomplish that on my own. With GB it would be a 1:1 ratio, Hottness = Smarts. I think I scored big time in this department.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good one.