Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Super - Duper

It is super Tuesday, so I feel obliged to think about politics today. A very touchy subject to discuss at dinner or even with family.

Instead of doing the obvious, I'm not going to talk about who I favor at this point, instead I'm going to talk about the candidate that I have named "the village idiot", also known as Mike Huckabee.

I admit, I really haven't taken much time to get to know the man, frankly what little I do know about him disgust me to the point where I have no desire to hear about any of his positions, his background, ambitions or even his shoe size. The village idiot has voiced his hate mongering views on more than one occasion. This is a man who has stated that HIV patients should be quarantined. This is also a man that has publicly stated that he wants to amend the constitution to reflect God's laws. OK.. in this land of the free and numerous religions, which "God's Laws" does he desire to force upon us? Oh wait.. never mind, just the laws his particular religion hold true.

How is that different from the radical Islams who want to force their "God's Laws" on everyone and are willing to kill millions in order to achieve this goal.

People who think in this manner are very scarey. Their voices continue to demonize homosexuality or anyone that is different from them.

"TAP TAP TAP" Hello village Idiot... it is called the future, how about trying to embrace it and spread love and acceptance instead of hate and fear.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm in a quandry myself. I can find something objectionable about each of the candidates still in the race, some more than others. For the first time since i could vote back in 1980, I just don't have someone I can support. I guess I will just be voting against someone this time. And then pray for the country!

As Rick Burgess said the other day, "Out of over 300 million people in this country...this is the best we could come up with?"
