Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sally, Sally, Sally

We have all been bombarded with the words of our elected official Sally Kern. Ms. Kern eloquently pointed out that homosexuality is the biggest threat to our American Society and that homosexuals are less equal than other citizens of this country. Also that the "homosexual agenda" has been indoctrinating 2 year olds in our schools with acceptance of homosexuality.

Wow Sally, thanks for that. Up until now I had always heard that our constitution said something about "all men are created equal". I guess I was incorrect. You also reminded me to call and request my copy of the "homosexual agenda" that I've never received. Maybe it was just lost in the mail. I also wasn't aware that 2 year olds were attending school. I guess in OK they start early.

She also said something about every civilization that had accepted homosexuals ceased to exist and there is documented proof of this. REALLY??? I need to go revisit my history and anthropology class notes because again, I missed that one.

Ms. Kern's (who is married to a Baptist minister) remarks do nothing but incite hatred, bigotry and discrimination. Her remarks fully display her ignorance. Perhaps this ignorance could be assisted by her husband? If she does a little reading she will discover that the Bible teaches love and acceptance, particularly to those who are different from yourself, but hey, people have been "selectively interpreting" the Bible to suit their personal needs and beliefs for years.

Another sad point to all of this is that it is rumored that Sally Kern has a gay son that she has disavowed. This may be the answer to all her hatred spewing as of late. In psychological terms, perhaps she feels she failed as a parent and is now out to attempt to "correct" this by spreading hate instead of showing love and acceptance.

I think Sally just needs a big 'ol HUG.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Silly Sally,

Someone should simply substitute her sorry brains with some sh*t to increase her intelligence.

People who think they are standing up for what God wants, should really understand what Jesus taught instead of what hate filled self-righteous have taught them.