Thursday, August 14, 2008


Recently TP and I have been faced by members of our families who are having a difficult time coming to terms that we are going to be dads. For us to realize this about TP's sister was quite easy. As easy as getting a cow to poop. When we shared our news with her, she paused for about 30 seconds or so and broke the silence with one question... "What am I suppose to tell my kids?" That was the end of the discussion. She has not brought the subject up again, and in fact hasn't even spoken to us almost at all.

I first shared the news with my brother and sister in-law almost 2 years ago, when we first started trying to make this happen. My sister in-law was very happy and accepting and my brother was also, or so it seemed.

Since then whenever I bring the subject up, he makes jokes and changes the subject. He simply will not address the issue. My parents recently revealed that he was having a difficult time dealing with it, using the excuse... but won't the baby need a mother??

TP and I have been discussing this with each other and mulling over this for a while. Of course we want our kids to have a supportive family around them, have Aunts and Uncles they can depend on and play an important part in their lives, so you can imagine this has got under our skin.

Finally it dawned on me... ENVY.

Growing up in America we are taught, either objectively or subjectively, through our families or religion, that people who are different, are not as good as you. Whether based upon skin color, religion or who you share your bed with. Even people from other places are subjectively "not as good".

Now here are our siblings, both families struggle from pay check to pay check, facing daily problems in their lives, jobs, family, financial, etc... and here we are 2 big Homos.. the worst of the worst... the world (or America's) biggest threat on society.

Over the past few years great strides have been made to "tolerate" us, "accept" us. You can see this everyday by visiting what was once a gay establishment. The straights want to show us how accepting they are by eating at our restaurants, moving into the gayborhood and hanging out in the gay clubs. I ask, is this acceptance or pity??

Back to the 2 big Homos... well here we are, successful, happy, not struggling financially, not battling alcohol or drugs, great supportive friends, in a wonderful, caring relationship and now the 2 things they have that we aren't suppose to achieve, we are.... marriage and kids.

How can this be?? Marriage and kids are what "proved" they were better than us... how can this happen??

Are they envious? Do they feel threatened? We all know that someone considered "lesser" than ourselves isn't supposed to actually being doing better that we are, nor be able to achieve certain things in life. At least this is what we have been taught.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Boy, you have hit the nail right on the head (as opposed to hitting my head). I have seen this attitude before and not necessarily just towards successful HOMOS. As long as the person considered to be inferior knows his place, then everything is all right.

I am sorry to hear about your siblings and siblings-in- law. I don't know TP's sister, but let me say that you and your brother have had differences before (just a few) and he has been able to work through them. You have to admit that from the differences in lifestyle you mentioned, there are things there that could feed envy. But that's no excuse. He needs to deal with that attitude and get over it.

I also know he loves you and he will come through sooner or later. He can be a bit stubborn, but he's an exception in your family in that respect (cough, cough).

I'm hoping very much that when y'alls baby finally arrives that a lot of this will go away. Then it won't just be an abstract concept, but a cute little bundle of googooing and pooping that everyone can see and touch and fall in love with.

Can't wait!!!