Sunday, February 10, 2008

This thing called life...

It has been quite a while since I posted anything about what going on in my personal life, it is time I catch everyone up - at least the few people who will read this.

Over 2 years ago I found my self dissatisfied with many aspects of my life, my career, the city I was living in, and my love life. Although I had great friends, it was time I spread my wings and ventured out into the world.

I began interviewing for jobs around the country, and after much debate I reluctantly agreed to an interview in Houston Texas. I was asking myself "why am I going to Houston? I know nothing about the city, I know noone there and it is HOT!" Turns out it was the second best decision I ever made for myself. The first being getting away from my ex of 8 years.

Since arriving I found a job that I enjoy (for the most part), more great friends I met GB, who I have a fantastic relationship with. He is also known to me as TP (total package). It is so refreshing being in a mature, mutually repectful relationship that continues to grow and evolve as we do as individuals and as a couple.

GB and I have also began a new life quest together - becoming Dad's. That topic deserves a post alone, so I'll save the details for later.

While being here there have been some negatives. I don't get to see my friends and family from home as much as I would like and I had to say goodbye to my longtime companion of 14 years - Maggie. Isn't it amazing how a dog can add so much to your life? She has been gone for over a year, and I still find myself looking for her at times and even shedding a little tear for her.

For me, life is better than ever. With my close friends and GB in life, I'm sure it will continue to be so.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Houston!!! Is that where you are? ; )

I had a dream the other night and I was keeping a German Shepherd and Maggie. The GS kept trying to eat Maggie's food and she would just look up at my all frustrated like she was saying, "Why is he eating MY food and what exactly are you going to do about it?"

Like I've told you before, I miss you being here, but I am so happy to see you the happiest and most content I have ever seen you. I'm very happy that you met GB, just too bad he doesn't want to move to B'ham.

And I'm also glad that none of your exes live in Texas and can't bother you. You've left most of them here - uh, gee thanks!