Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thanks for nothing...

This is the way I feel towards our insurance coverage at the moment. We have been trying to get a transfer to the Children's hospital in our area for well over a week. She is looking at another 4-6 weeks in the hospital, plus being a premie, she will need very close followup in the specialized premie clinics and there is a chance she may have to go home on some type of monitoring.

Insurance, in their infinite wisdom, has denied paying for the transfer. So when our baby is discharged I'm just suppose to put her on a commercial plane and take her home? What if she is on a monitor? The airlines certainly will not let her on board due to liability. Again, thanks for nothing.

We have contacted several private companies and Texas Children's Hospital directly. We will have to pay for the expensive transfer ourselves but it is in the best interest of our daughter for her future health care. We are in planning stages with the "Kangaroo Crew" to handle the transfer. Hopefully we will be back in our home town in a few days.

In the meantime, Tekla surpassed her birth weight and continues on the way up. She is over 2 pounds, 13 ozs. I can't weight for the 3 pound party.


Tina said...

Im so sorry you are having to deal with that right now.. Im sure you are ready to be home.. Hang in there she is amazing and doing so well.... That surro did some job grwoing her as long as she did..:) Many blessings to you....

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you a going through this. I know its expensive. But, on the brighter side, its wonderful that she's improving so fast and gets to go HOME (your home, her home - how exciting!)

Anonymous said...

Ugh - the last thing you need right now is the stress of fighting with insurance companies. But, the main thing is you're going to have your beautiful little girl home in Houston with you!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry the insurance company is acting ridiculous:( But I am glad you get to bring your little princess home:)
