Monday, April 21, 2008

Green Green Green

and I'm not talking about money...

Someone has said that when a society has ample food, they become obese. This is obvious by looking around at the average member of our society. Obesity is rampant, not only in adults, but unfortunately our children.

We could imply that same principle to natural resources. For centuries we have used the earth's resources like there is an endless supply and now thanks to Al Gore and others who are basically giving us a slap in the face, we are beginning to see the effects of this "Environmental Gluttony." Not only is there horrible effects on the environment, but the supply is certainly not endless. A recent expert predicted that if the current rate of consumption growth of oil, the supply will be gone in my lifetime.

TP and I have changed some of our habits in a way to do our part in reducing our consumption.

- Replaced our windows with energy efficient windows
- Replaced all our appliances with more efficient models
- Replaced our AC unit with a more efficient model
- We recycle everything we can
- We use our own grocery bags when we shop (

Some of things I'm planning...
- buying an alternative fuel vehicle the next time I purchase
- walking more to the gym
- installing electronic thermostats in the house
- replacing our light bulbs with energy efficient ones

On the financial side, for those stock market investors, investing in Green Technology is a way to go. With the big push for these technologies, it is hard to see how this would not pay off.

Let's strive to leave the world a little bit better than how we found it.

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