Friday, January 28, 2005

Loch Ness...

Ok, anyone around a South Park fan?? There is one episode where Chef is getting married, and his bride turns out to be a Succubus... that's right a god damn succubus (in kyle's words).

Anyway, Chef's parents are in town for the wedding, and all Dad wants to talk about is the Loch Ness monsta'

"One time, I heard the door bell and I opened the door and there was this cute little girl scout standing there..." " she was so cute with her little pigtails" interrupts Mom.. "damn it woman, I'm trying to tell a story... Anyway, the girl scout said would you like to buy some girl scout cookies?" Why sure little girl, I would love some girl scout cookies. What kind do you have?" Girl scout says "thin mints, taggalongs, gran crunchy thins" Why sure little girl how much are they... "I need about three - fifty." "Three fifty? It's about that time I notice that little girl scout was an 8 story tall crustacean from the Mesozoic period.. I said, "god damn loch ness monsta' leave my family alone..."

I know, random, but that is what makes that show interesting. If you can get around all the ethic slurs and stupid comedy... It is actually a superbly written show.


Anonymous said...

My sista', the succubus.

Anonymous said...

Guess the Ubus family had twin girls...

Anonymous said...

Whoever you are...YOU DON'T KNOW ME! (do you?)
when is Smaug gonna write something else?????????